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Spiritual Therapy Center

Spiritual Healing For
Body, Mind & Soul

What is “Spiritual Therapy” and how does it differ from conventional psychology, psychotherapy and psychiatry?

“Spiritual Therapy,” as I practice it, is a holistic, mind, body, soul, approach to emotional, mental and spiritual well-being. It integrates spirituality and religion from the west and the east, from ancient and modern times, with Psychology, CBT, NLP, Hypnotherapy, coaching and mentoring.

Spiritual Therapy is based on the premise that we are neither the body nor the mind. We are spiritual beings or souls who possess a mind and body just as we might a house or car. As souls, we are perfect, whole and complete - always were and always will be. This is not some theory or imagination but rather something anyone can experience through practices such as meditation, mindfulness, mantras, prayer etc.

The human part of us - mind, personality and body - has suffered and been wounded by various challenging and even traumatic situations. As we awaken our soul and invite it to be an active participant in our life journey, we discover that it is naturally and consistently - peaceful, compassionate, fearless, and joyful.

Using the soul’s superior capabilities, we can stop our mind’s endless chatter, as well as its critical, negative and distorted thinking. We can soothe our wounded emotions and traumas more effectively than when we try to use the mind to heal the mind. We then experience relief from fear, shame, self-doubt, self-sabotage, and self-judgment.

As we “reparent” ourselves, we gradually develop a “secure attachment” with our “inner child,” based on an internally dependable experience of self-acceptance, self-compassion, self-nurturing and self-love.

Rohit is a spiritual thought leader, mentor, therapist, author, YouTube creator and podcast host.

His unique approach of combining spirituality and psychology with a special focus on “soul-based” techniques for:

  • managing your “inner critic” and negative self-talk

  • reparenting your inner child with nurturing and compassion

  • accepting your flaws and forgiving your mistakes

  • giving yourself unconditional self-love

  • improving communication, conflict resolution and harmony in your relationships

has yielded impressive results with the hundreds of clients that Rohit has worked with for the past 20 years. He has helped them embark on a journey of life transformation.

His heartfelt compassion, practical insights and unconventional wisdom have inspired people all over the world.

He is available for Video Sessions by appointment. To schedule an appointment click on the “schedule” button below. Then (a) if you are new, choose the “free initial consultation” option (b) if you are an existing or returning clients, choose the “schedule a session” option (c) you will also find options to purchase a package of 4 sessions. Single sessions need not be paid for in advance.

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You deserve to live
a truly wonderful
and magical life.

I am honored to have the opportunity to support you in:

  • Loving the unloved parts of yourself

  • Healing your emotional wounds with unconditional self-love, self-acceptance and self-compassion

  • Dealing with anxiety, depression, self-doubt and self-esteem

  • Creating conscious relationships, parenting and more

  • Transforming the “Dark night of the soul”

  • Finding purpose, meaning, joy and vibrance in your life

To Book an Appointment or Free Initial Consultation, click the “Schedule” button


  • “Spiritual Director” and “Spiritual Psychotherapy” (Certification from “Transformational Arts College” in 2004)

  • “Clinical Hypnotherapy” and Past-Life Regression (Certification from “California Hypnosis Institute” in 2004)

  • Life Coaching (Certification from “Coach U” in 2009)

  • Personal Development (Certification from “High-Performance Master’s Program” by Brendon Burchard in 2016)

  • “Master Practitioner of Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP), Mental and Emotional Release Therapy, Hypnotherapy” (Certification from “Association for Integrative Psychology” in 2023)

  • Rohit has also been a monk in his 20s and trained with many highly evolved gurus throughout his life

  • He says, “My ultimate mentor has been life, which brought me many lessons and wonderful people who transformed me. I am deeply indebted to all of them.”

Partial List of Modalities: Inner Child Work, Emotional healing, Parts Integration, Time Line Therapy, Archetypes, Meditation, self-love, self-compassion, relationship coaching etc.

Rohit is one of the most powerful counselors I have worked with in my life. He has helped me to create deep and lasting change of long held patterns I couldn’t break through on my own or with other counselors. I am so thankful for our work together!
— Starr MacKinnon, PhD (Google - 5 star)
Rohit spearheaded a radical transformation in my life. I discovered deep wounds that had been hiding under the surface and blocking me from the best life I could have. He coached me to rise above the crisis I was in by teaching me to look at it with love and patience. He has a calm demeanor and I felt at ease sharing my emotions with him. I can’t thank Rohit enough for the work he has done. Don’t hesitate to make an appointment with him today. This is the best decision you will ever make for yourself.
— Michele K. (Yelp - 5 Star)
There are people who touch our lives in a deeply meaningful way, on our journey in life. I am forever changed and grateful having met Rohit for the growth he helped me achieve. Rohit has provided me with insight and wisdom far beyond my ability to see. I am very grateful for Rohit’s indispensable role in helping me on my journey. I wholeheartedly recommend Rohit as an exceptional coach/counselor.
I was seeking a mentor to guide me through some difficulties and stumbled upon Rohit here on Yelp. I knew after I completed the first session that I had found my muse! With his gentle and intuitive leadership, I have healed and learned so much about myself in the process! I give Rohit my highest recommendation. He’s the real deal, people.
I thank you from the bottom of my heart for your guidance and for teaching me the way! You were placed in my life during some tumultuous times and all for good reason. I had a brush with death which left me feeling lost and confused. I had an immense thirst for spiritual truth. Your teachings/wisdom satiated my thirst. You helped me to see everything from a new perspective, it all makes sense now. Rohit, you have been instrumental in my awakening path which still continues. You have also helped me work through deep rooted issues. It was so comforting to know that you understood me. There are fortunate people, myself included, that have been blessed to cross paths with you Rohit. The world needs to know you Rohit, your teachings are for the greater-good. Your gentle soul resonates pure Divine light. I will always consider you my spiritual teacher. I was ready when you showed up. Because of you, I’m standing in my power like a phoenix rising! Thank you!!! May you always be blessed Rohit!
— - Cece O. (YELP - 5 STAR)
There are no words in this world that can truly explain my deep deep deep gratitude for you Rohit, my experience with your amazing spirit of light and love has helped transform and guide me to reconnect with my true nature and authentic self. Rohit, you’re def a bridge from higher realms and this world, and have the amazing gift to unite both dimensions and unify us with no separation. You’re a great teacher and master of unconditional love. I’m learning so much from your guidance and love and again there are no words to truly describe the deep gratitude and appreciation to have the honor to share time, energy and space with your amazing being. I truly feel blessed and look forward to leaning more from your guidance and example. Thank you so much Rohit.
— Jennifer M. (Yelp - 5 Star)


On my YouTube channel, Spiritual Wisdom Academy, you will find videos, live streams and podcasts on topics such as psychology, spirituality, yoga, meditation, soul-love, self-love, divine-love etc.

Please subscribe, comment and like. I respond to all comments and would love to hear from you.

To be notified about upcoming Online Courses, live streams, webinars and the latest Videos by Rohit, subscribe at the bottom of this page.


Mind On A Leash - Free Course

This course of 9 videos was designed to help you deal with your mind. You will learn:
(a) How to optimally manage the way that you use your mind
(b) How to stop the incessant chatter, criticism, doubt and distortions in the mind
(c) How to be the boss of your mind and be in charge of it
(d) How to observe your mind, challenge and direct it
(e) How to be compassionate with your mind
(f) How to soothe & make peace with your mind
(g) How to “Dance” with your emotions

Bhagavad Gita (Divine Song) - Free Course

Written 3000 BC by Vyasa, the Gita is a discussion between Krishna and Arjuna, on the battlefield of Kurukshetra, India. Spiritual gurus have for thousands of years considered it to be the wisest and most powerful spiritual teaching ever written.

The Gita presents a practical path to enlightenment, awakening and self-realization through union with the divine. It speaks about various processes that lead to spiritual evolution culminating in divine love or bhakti-yoga.

You will learn about meditation, the soul, reincarnation, karma, the “Universe,” God, divine love and so much more. If you are a seeker, if you want to learn how to master human existence and be liberated from suffering, then this is for you.


Click on the image above to view a Playlist of recordings on YouTube

“Spiritual Wisdom”Meetup and Podcast, presents
“Bhakti: The Yoga of Divine Love”

Every Tuesday 7 pm PST, 10 pm EST, free. Live-streaming simultaneously to Zoom, YouTube, Twitter, LinkedIn, Facebook & Instagram

Intention: to provide a practical spiritual foundation for sincere seekers by exploring spiritual wisdom from ancient and modern times, so that we may experience greater joy, fulfillment and love in every aspect of life.

For thousands of years, the greatest thinkers, philosophers and gurus have been ardent followers of Vedic Wisdom or Sanathan Dharma: Einstein, Thoreau, Emerson, Oppenheimer, Prabhupada, Radhanatha and many more.

I believe the Bhagavatam, the final Veda (book of wisdom) contains the perfect message to help us deal with the chaos and darkness in our world today. It is a practical path to spiritual awakening through bhakti yoga or divine love.  

We discuss meditation, reincarnation, karma, enlightenment, self-realization, divine love and so much more. If you are a spiritual seeker, this program might be just what you want. To be reminded, join our mailing list, by subscribing below.

This is a book about Love. But not love as we think it should be. This is a book about soul mates, romance, marriage, adultery, relationships, heartbreak, cheating and sexuality. But not as we have been led to think and believe. This is a book of poetry. But not poetry that rhymes and expresses flowery sentimental verse.

This book is a powerful message delivered through poetic prose that resonates with a knowing that lies deep within us on how to transform our relationships into ecstatic, soulful adventures.

Reviews from

"This book is a heartfelt, poetic, truthful and moving account of what's possible in the realm of loving relationships. Rohit's clarity and evolutionary ideas left me with a feeling of expansiveness. I wanted to take my love and widen my circle of relating. The photographs seem to be infused with light. His words feel pulled from a divine mind. Everyone should read this book. The world would be a better place for it." — Carol

"A MUST READ!!! "Loving Soulfully" by Rohit Juneja profoundly touched my Heart and reminded me of my own LOVE ESSENCE. At times I catch myself not remembering who I really am at my core...... and this book, ohhh, it's MAGIC HEART Reconnection!!! This book is PURE LOVE!!! Everyone - Read it, Read it!! ♥ " — Selma Patricia

To get your FREE color ebook version of “Loving Soulfully,” subscribe at the bottom of this page


Book an appointment

  1. Click on the “Schedule” button to:
    a) Book a “Free Initial Consultation:” choose this option to book an appointment to speak with Rohit and ask him any questions you may have. You may be new or a returning client or just curious. The video call will be for approx 20 min on Zoom.

    b) Book A Session: choose this option to book an appointment for a one-hour paid session. Payment will be made after the session

    c) Package: choose this option to pay in advance for a package

  2. Click on the “Details” button for more info on Rates, Sliding Scale, Packages, Insurance, Email, etc

  3. Fill out the form below to subscribe and get all your bonuses.

Thank you for being here.